Returns & Exchanges

Refund policy

  • Within 30 days of purchase, you can return or exchange any unworn, unwashed IVAR'S article with tags.
  • Customers must return the merchandise to our address by traceable delivery, such as courier or registered mail.
  • After we receive the merchandise, you will receive an exchange or refund within 3 business days.
  • Please note that any items bought on sale will only have the option to be exchanged an refunds will not be provided on those.

This Easy Step-by-Step Process will allow you to exchange or return items.

To return the product quickly, please follow the two-step method outlined below.

Step 1: Repackage the goods

Make sure your package is sent in a secure package. 

Step 2: Delivery to

You must only return the merchandise to Ivar's address.

Plot no. A 247 sector 6 Mehran town, Korangi industrial Area, karachi.